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Sunday, 4 August 2013
Advantages,disadvantages and impacts of racism.
Racism is the act of discriminating people of different color and backgrounds.We got a lot of races in the world examples being blacks,whites,Chinese race,red and the Polynesian race.The act of favoring individual's races regardless of yours is what is called racism.
The main aim of my introductory part is just to make you understand what we are taking about because the main aim of this article is to see the advantages,disadvantages and impacts of racism and their effects on our daily lives.
Advantages of racism
1.Its a motivating factor.
Here it is based mainly how you view racism and synthesize it.It may be a very powerful motivating factor to those who are discriminated.The fact that they are discriminated will encourage them to work extra hard so that they can out do their opponents.A good example in this context are the Chinese for instance,they are facing a huge economic growth due to the effects related to racism,on that I would like to give them a hand on the shoulder.
We can come into con-censor that the most powerful races are privileged in various ways.This is now the advantage on the contest of the racist.They always supply their countries with lots of aids leaving the other races in a total bad situation.I agree that survival for the fittest is the on going principal but the reality always that we all have one thing in common:we are all human being,Take it for the better.A tendency is now emerging that the most powerful races stand to help the less privilege,congrats but let it not be upto a certain end.You can as well check out for certainty.Its even vivid from what some of them say without fear of the public,through they should congratulated..
As the discrimination blazes,the less advantaged realize that they have a responsibility to hold for there upcoming generations and the present juniors.On this contest the juniors can be motivated with the seniors of their race.This sounds like the point in the motivating factor but its different and mainly depends on the contest of argument.You can as well reinforce how you understand it with this article as well.according to wiki-answers.
Disadvantages of racism.
Much we have seen about the advantages of racism,let turn the table and view the disadvantages of racism.
1.Eruptions of war
This is quite vivid especially when the discriminated party is feed up.Its survival for the fittest so the racist will always want to be up while the less privilege here will reach a point I can call it saturated point where the only way to solve the issue on the table is through manhood.All we know the consequences of war in various perspective of life.
Racism develops hate between people of different races.Each races would always want to dominate and the other will be like a blocking factor thus hatred is developed between the individuals.Obviously this hate must result in things like wars,national conflicts and many other controversies. Hate on the other hand and limit sharing of ideas and other relevant facts thus lowering inventions level in our universe.
3.Inferiority complex
The discriminated part will feel insecure as well as inferior in-front of the racist.Human being are equal and this will be against the human right.Another effect of being inferior is the aspect where individual lacks confidence and thus cannot give out his/her opinions although they might be help to the entire group,thus falling in unnecessary problems which could on the other hand be prevented.
4.Limited trading activities
In this contest we must look in both side because trade is an economic activity and has an impact on our daily lives.The fact that racism limits the diversification of market,on the racist will be less advantage because they will inadequate market for their produce,though they will but having more to consume.On the other hand the discriminated as well produces limited goods for need assistances which is unavailable in this contest of use.They will be double suffering since they will be having limited market as well as inadequate flood supply.
5.Breakage of rewarding relationships.
This is where someone refuses to use the expertise of someone because of his race.A good example is someone who has an opportunity to get a very cheap lawyer but because the lawyer is not of his race then he goes for the expensive one of his.This is a very stupid syndrome which should be eliminated as fast as possible.
Effects of racism
When we talk of the effects or the impacts of racism,we mainly focus on what the advantages and the disadvantages may result into.If you understood clearly the above advantages and disadvantages then the impacts will be self explanatory.1.Inadequate diversification of trading activities globally.2.Emergence of wars and continuous conflicts.3.Contamination of nations.4.Limited inventions and innovations. 5.If viewed as a motivating factor then it might encourage drastic economic growth.6.It develops the aspect of responsibility7.Might cause division among human beings.The effects are mainly upcoming on your understanding on the introductory part,advantages and the disadvantages.For that case I can say that they are uncountable.
From the above we can see that the disadvantages are out doing the advantages.In this case as well we can see most of the impacts are on the negativity.I have tried my best not to be biased on any part,but the results are still outstanding.It is therefore well seen that racism is a hindering factor to our development.So as individuals we should try at our level best to prevent any form of discrimination inclusive of racism.
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